Thursday 1 March 2012

Rotating Radars

As I’m about to build the upper structure lots of decisions had to be made to make sure that all "special effects” will become as invisible as possible. So I spend quite some time to find out how to build the (rotating) radars..

As I had an cheap, small and broken "3 channel" RC helicopter lying around, I decided to re-use the tiny dc-motors. As it turned out, these could actually be build inside the tower structure.

As this seemed like the brilliant solution, it also started to give me lots of problems as most of the parts I needed additionally had to be scratch build.
Like for example the rubber belts, these where impossible to find in the diameter I needed, “Cutting” them from a larger belt was not the difficult part, but find the glue which could glue the ends together was a real challenge..

Additionally, as I only used “common basic” tools for this build so far (besides my airbrush ), I realize now how valuable it is to have the right tools..

Even dough I managed without dedicated tools, it was not that easy to get this far..
What I additionally need is a “speed control” for these radar-motors as they currently rotate too quick..

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